Our Industry Leading Smoke Stomper Home Smoke Eater gives you commercial grade smoke filtration, yet it's designed for and quiet enough for a home. No installation required on this portable and convenient floor console smoke eater. Just plug it in.
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This is our top pick for residential smoke removal when used in the room with the smoker. If you have a neighbor who's smoke is causing you trouble, consider the Biozone Air Purifiers which are great at dealing with odors.
Some facts:
Our Smoke Stomper is made in the same production facility where all of our commercial smoke removal equipment is made. The Smoke Stomper has commercial grade filtration, yet is quiet enough for a home. I am confident that the filters in this machine are capable of handling whatever smoke you can throw at it.
When it comes to a home unit, here is what the Smoke Stomper Home Smoke Eater has in store for you:
Provides a DRAMATIC reduction in smoke and odors
Ideal for home / office
No installation required, just plug it in.
Two speed switch - low and high speed
On wheels for easy portability.
We are offering a 90 day "Return for Any Reason" money back guarantee on this unit. You will know within a few days whether or not you are happy with the results, However, you will have a full 90 days to try it out.
Is it Perfect?:
No, nothing is. However, a dramatic improvement in the smoke and odors can be expected. If you need perfection, don’t buy this machine. Seriously. Smoke outside or install a high powered multi-fan exhaust system that will empty your home of the air, smoke and even your air conditioning and heating. (not recommended due to the increased costs of blowing your heat or air conditioning out the roof.)
Who’s my ideal client?
If you already smoke in your home and understand that nothing is instant or perfect, yet still want a dramatic improvement in the air quality in your home, then this machine could be for you. With our 90 day satisfaction guarantee, we take all the risk.
Dimensions: 24' H x 13" W x 14" D
Electrical: 120 V, 3.17 amps, 8 ft cord
CFM: 350
Warranty: 10 years
Noise: 63 decibels (quieter than all the competing models I researched)
1st years Filters included:
(1) 6" HEPA filter - estimated life - 1 year.
(1) Activated Carbon Panel - for odors, gases and fumes - estimated life - 1 year.
(6) Mesh pre-filters - sprayed with carbon. estimated life - 2 months. (6) filters will last you 1 year.
Smoke Stomper Home Smoke Eater: $925 with free shipping in the continental USA
Filter kit cost: $320
Typical turn time will be 5-7 business days to SHIP + transit time to your location from New Hampshire where these are made.
Colors Available:


Smoke Stomper Home Smoke Eater Overview:
Smoke Stomper Home Smoke Eater - How to Change Filters:
Smoke Stomper Home Smoke Eater - How Loud Is It?:
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